Thursday, September 07, 2006

a performative discourse by Michael Atavar

A series of works that constellate around the idea of dusk and its shifting, transitional nature.

What is dusk?

How do we feel when we are in it?

What does it allow us to do?

Where will it take us?

Dusk allows us a moment in modern life to stop and find out where we are. It gives us space to slow down. At dusk objects start to merge with one another. This creates an opportunity to abandon the small self we often find ourselves faced with. It offers us a bigger view.

The first piece in the series can now be seen online at

It contains text and 250 digital pictures of dusk.

Michael Atavar will give a free performance lecture about dusk at the Waterloo Sunset Pavilion, Hayward Gallery, London at dusk, 7-00 pm, on Friday 22nd September 2006. During the lecture audience members will be encouraged to access dusk, stepping into a space which we usually all ignore.

Michael Atavar is an artist who works with digital art, installation and performance.

In 2001 he was artist-in-residence at the Guardian Newspaper producing a print piece for G2 magazine in an unlimited edition of 400,000 copies.

His work creates a different kind of space on the world wide web, encouraging audiences to watch, wait and slow down.

Recently he was resident artist in Shanghai, China as part of the British Council's Artist Links Programme, where he researched the background for this piece.

Supported by the Arts Council of England.

Performance lecture supported by the Hayward Gallery, London and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

'Atavar sculptures a luminous, abstract landscape with its own gentle rhythms' New York Times